We specialise in serious Crown Court cases
Tom, Nathan and Gemma have extensive Crown Court experience. They have dealt with the largest of drugs conspiracies in South Wales and the West, some of the most high profile murders in the United Kingdom, and some of the most complicated allegations of serious fraud.
If your case proceeds to the Crown Court, either Tom, Nathan or Gemma will be allocated personal conduct of your case. They will take detailed instructions, advise fully on all potential defences available and, if necessary, advise you as to the relevant sentencing guidelines.
Tom Trobe has Higher Rights of Audience and once your case reaches the Crown Court you will be represented either by Tom or by one of our highly experienced barristers.
Pure Law Criminal Defence also accepts the transfer of cases from other firms. Are you, a friend or a member of your family currently being represented and are unhappy with the service you are receiving? In certain circumstances the Crown Court will transfer Legal Aid to Pure Law Criminal Defence from other criminal law firms. If you feel that the level of representation you are receiving is not high enough please do not hesitate to contact us for a free of charge consultation.